Monday, October 12, 2009

The Taupe Kombi van...aaahhh...

This week I painted another Kombi van, just for something different... This time inspired by my employers' search for a kombi. I have painted a few kombis now, but this one was a pleasure to paint! I love this colour and coupled with the experience of painting a sign for my employers' holiday rental property I had a change of plan with the colour scheme - from bright Aqua coloured van and blue blue sky, I went to the light side - taupe for the van and a dusty dirtied-off sapphire blue for the sky with a pandanus palm masquerading as a pony tail palm in the corner. I think I still need to deepen the shadows...and I just spotted a little error somewhere that I need to fix before it goes to the gallery, but I am not going to tell you!!

45 cm x 90 cm - gouache (acrylic) on canvas

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Julie/Julia - my new favourite movie...well top 3 anyway

I saw a movie today. Julie/Julia with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. An excellent movie with depth and a message but also a thoroughly enjoyable watch. My cousin Rose and I sat there laughing and getting a little teary eyed as Ms. Streeps Julia Child showed us how to 'bloom where you're planted' and make lemonade out of life's lemons. She was unable to have kids and it obviously hurt (when here sister became pregnant even moreso), but she lived with such joy, loved her husband with such passion and cooked with gusto. But the best thing about this movie (and hopefully it was true to the real Mrs Child), she was unashamedly real. She didn't give two thoughts to waht other's thought of her, but she was kind and real and in the words of her husband, Paul, she brought out the best in everyone, even the French. She loved Paris, loved to cook, loved to make love, and loved life. The sheer joy of this movie has stayed with me all afternoon and I have nearly finished another painting - (a taupe kombi van!) hopefully photos uploaded tomorrow.

Now to my next project, well a simulaneous project; my book. Entitled - From there to here: Via Paris. I am in the process of an epic edit and re-write. Re structuring the whole book away from my survival of illness and the loss of my first husband more towards a joyful tale of my trips to Paris (past and future!!) - the adventures I had there in the past as a young, single woman, as a newlywed and as a mother, and in the future as an artist and mother of a musician. I want to bring people joy and lightness and happiness and beauty and passion and laughter and brightness and love and did I mention joy?
Below is one of my life drawing sketches done with Charcoal and pastel. I am quite proud of the energy in this one. It was a quick sketch - probably a 5 minute pose.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Two Hands/One Heart

Christine Betts
Charcoal on Paper

This work can now be seen on Sarah Bentvelzen's Website at
along with many other lovely images by other emerging artists.
Thanks so much to Sarah for giving me this opportunity!
Of course all my work is available to see and purchase (prints, cards, calendars, etc)
on my Redbubble site
and please contact me directly for commissions and to purchase originals.

Buy my art

Buy my art

Monday, October 5, 2009

A recent Oil on canvas done of the Currumbin Alley for my friends, Paul and Louisa. I have recently touched up the clouds but other than that this is the finished product.

below is some info on the Cite des Arts residency programme in Paris that I hope to be eligible for in a couple of years.

I am getting my passion back! I am dreaming about Paris every night (must be the books I am reading!) and my painting is going very well. Not only am I painting at work, but also painting at home. I am completing a few realist paintings (kombis etc) but I am about to embark on a new phase of landscapes and impressionist style work, keeping the super-real stuff for my boats. I am intending on entering the Brisbane Artists Academe scholarship show. I just have to get in and get stuff in shows...

My son is going very well with his cello, so I am sure when the time comes for me to head to Paris for my residency, he will be able to accompany me and attend some classes etc.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I finally have a zazzle shop!

Check out my new Zazzle shop for all your Christmas present buying!
At left is a mouse-mat you can buy for your computer with my charcoal drawing Two Hands/One Heart printed on it.
There are so many other items available too - from t-shirts to cards, to key-rings and even hats!