Monday, October 12, 2009

The Taupe Kombi van...aaahhh...

This week I painted another Kombi van, just for something different... This time inspired by my employers' search for a kombi. I have painted a few kombis now, but this one was a pleasure to paint! I love this colour and coupled with the experience of painting a sign for my employers' holiday rental property I had a change of plan with the colour scheme - from bright Aqua coloured van and blue blue sky, I went to the light side - taupe for the van and a dusty dirtied-off sapphire blue for the sky with a pandanus palm masquerading as a pony tail palm in the corner. I think I still need to deepen the shadows...and I just spotted a little error somewhere that I need to fix before it goes to the gallery, but I am not going to tell you!!

45 cm x 90 cm - gouache (acrylic) on canvas

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