Wednesday, March 24, 2010

my new studio is my old studio is my garage...

recent work - Ultra-Close-Up Kombi!
- prints available on

There might just be some Arts jobs going on the Gold Coast in a few years.
Sahba Abedian of Sunland Group is a huge advocate of the arts and art plays a vital role in all his marvellous projects, (in fact some of my own artwork graces the walls of his projects!) and he has been quoted in the paper discussing the importance for the Gold Coast to develop a more cultural side. Shannon Willoughby followed up on Mr Abedian's Saturday story in the paper (I have NEVER bought the GC Bulletin on a weekday...that must tell you how passionate I am about the subject) today and I wholeheartedly agree, naturally. It starts this way - with intelligent people discussing it..., then next comes the fabulous building (just take a look at the GoMA in BrisVegas!! WOW!)and then down the track, art follows. It might take a few generations but at least the people that are in a position to do something regard art as being a worthwhile pursuit. I will be watching for any developments!

I've moved my painting studio into the garage. it was a move that had to happen as my house was just a mess all the time. The boys didn't mind, but I did. I have erected an elaborate plastic sheeting arrangement to hopefully keep the dust and debris off my work...shall remain to be seen how much dust gets in. I left my newest work (another reflection on the water) done in oil, out in the sun today. What a wonderful thing that was...very dry glaze but quite a number of insects met their demise. I'll upload a photo tomorrow.

God, I want more confidence in my work. I can't even fake it til I make it! I know the better my work gets, the more confidence I'll have, so I just keep on plugging away at it. More painting tomorrow...

I start my B.A. Visual Arts/Art History on the 15th of May and I am gearing up for my exhibition next year. It will coincide with my 40th birthday and will keep me working towards something. Holy Shit...and I am going to Italy and Paris next September so the exhibition will be the beginning of things for me. Now that's faking it til I make it!! Yay!! Go Me!! now back to the books....
see you tomorrow:)

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