Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Zazzle Store - nice to wake up to a couple of Sales!

See my store at Zazzle

I have sold 100 of these cards (personalised by the purchaser!) in Zazzle. How exciting to wake up and find an email telling me I have sold something! Nice! I wonder if they will be used as invitation for a wedding? How lovely...

Friday, November 27, 2009

what do I really want out of all of this?

the arch - oil on canvas
A very wise friend of mine recently reminded me that we need to let the universe know what we want so that we get what we I am not 100% sure that we get what we want, but I do know for certain that we get what we need...what we need to learn, to grow, to be fully what we decided we wanted to be before we forgot...

but just in case we are meant to get what we want...I have been asking myself, what do I really want from my art, a career? a diversion? to leave my mark? fame? I have always been an artist, but for a long time I was a painter that didn't paint, and a writer that didn't write...then one day, the pain of not painting, and not writing, got worse than the pain of actually doing those I sat down and wrote my novel (18 months of hard work, and it is 1000's of words long, but needs an epic re-write and editing session...) and I picked up that paint brush...

what I can say? What I can say unequivocally, is that painting, no, art, is my passion...I can't descibe the drive that makes us paint... is it primeval? is it the ultimate arrogance that we think others want to see what's going on inside our heads...make them see what we see when we open our eyes? Is it why I am here? to paint the reflection of boats on the water...the way sunlight hits the Arc de Triomphe in the August heat? Can it really be that simple?

Well, just in case we really do get what we ask for, I am going to tell the universe right here and now what I want from my art, from my life. I have a wonderful husband and a fabulous son, family and friends, my health and a home and I am already an artist. I am so blessed!
And now...I want to take this ride as far as it will go! I want success as an artist...and I define that by the number of paintings I am making and selling to those who want them. I am not trying to make statements or to be provocative...I just want to make pictures and sell them to people who love them!
I want the whole box and dice here...I want to travel with my the Spain...I want to sell a lot of paintings and be sought out by collectors...I don't want to be rich and famous, but I want enough money so I can do all the things I want to do and help my family. I want to do the work that I want to do...make the art that comes bubbling out of me...and I want to be a role model for other women and for my live out his passion for music and take that ride as far as it will go.
so there you have that my prayer? my offering up to the universe a shopping list for success as an artist? This is the first time in my life that I have had the guts to really ask for something! and I really believe that this will happen, that it is already happening. this year has been such a rush of firsts and achievements. In April I was miserable working in a Bathroom showroom...doing a great job but in a funk. I didn't have time to paint and it was driving me nuts! I decided enough was enough and left and within the last 7 months I am now a full time artist earning a living from my art...and now I just gotta think...bigger...!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

my paintings in an advert in the paper!!

Imagine my surprise when I was browsing the

local paper and noticed this advert for Treasured Interiors. right in the back of the picture, my little paintings can be seen (little rectangles of blue!) all of these have since sold, but it is exciting to see them in the paper! I have some new ones to go in there tomorrow!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

my kombi painting at Treasured Interiors, Kirra

We took a wander down to Kirra to check out the inaugural KirraStock festival. We had to make a stop at Treasured Interiors to see my paintings. They only have one at the moment and there it was sitting out the front (on the table between the two Adirondak chairs). Thanks Deb! we also got to meet Sammy (staff) and Bambi (cutest dog in the world). I am so excited to have my work for sale at Treasured Interiors and I am working on numerous small canvasses at the moment that should be in the shop at Currumbin by Friday!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Taupe Kombi van...aaahhh...

This week I painted another Kombi van, just for something different... This time inspired by my employers' search for a kombi. I have painted a few kombis now, but this one was a pleasure to paint! I love this colour and coupled with the experience of painting a sign for my employers' holiday rental property I had a change of plan with the colour scheme - from bright Aqua coloured van and blue blue sky, I went to the light side - taupe for the van and a dusty dirtied-off sapphire blue for the sky with a pandanus palm masquerading as a pony tail palm in the corner. I think I still need to deepen the shadows...and I just spotted a little error somewhere that I need to fix before it goes to the gallery, but I am not going to tell you!!

45 cm x 90 cm - gouache (acrylic) on canvas

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Julie/Julia - my new favourite movie...well top 3 anyway

I saw a movie today. Julie/Julia with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. An excellent movie with depth and a message but also a thoroughly enjoyable watch. My cousin Rose and I sat there laughing and getting a little teary eyed as Ms. Streeps Julia Child showed us how to 'bloom where you're planted' and make lemonade out of life's lemons. She was unable to have kids and it obviously hurt (when here sister became pregnant even moreso), but she lived with such joy, loved her husband with such passion and cooked with gusto. But the best thing about this movie (and hopefully it was true to the real Mrs Child), she was unashamedly real. She didn't give two thoughts to waht other's thought of her, but she was kind and real and in the words of her husband, Paul, she brought out the best in everyone, even the French. She loved Paris, loved to cook, loved to make love, and loved life. The sheer joy of this movie has stayed with me all afternoon and I have nearly finished another painting - (a taupe kombi van!) hopefully photos uploaded tomorrow.

Now to my next project, well a simulaneous project; my book. Entitled - From there to here: Via Paris. I am in the process of an epic edit and re-write. Re structuring the whole book away from my survival of illness and the loss of my first husband more towards a joyful tale of my trips to Paris (past and future!!) - the adventures I had there in the past as a young, single woman, as a newlywed and as a mother, and in the future as an artist and mother of a musician. I want to bring people joy and lightness and happiness and beauty and passion and laughter and brightness and love and did I mention joy?
Below is one of my life drawing sketches done with Charcoal and pastel. I am quite proud of the energy in this one. It was a quick sketch - probably a 5 minute pose.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Two Hands/One Heart

Christine Betts
Charcoal on Paper

This work can now be seen on Sarah Bentvelzen's Website at
along with many other lovely images by other emerging artists.
Thanks so much to Sarah for giving me this opportunity!
Of course all my work is available to see and purchase (prints, cards, calendars, etc)
on my Redbubble site
and please contact me directly for commissions and to purchase originals.

Buy my art

Buy my art

Monday, October 5, 2009

A recent Oil on canvas done of the Currumbin Alley for my friends, Paul and Louisa. I have recently touched up the clouds but other than that this is the finished product.

below is some info on the Cite des Arts residency programme in Paris that I hope to be eligible for in a couple of years.

I am getting my passion back! I am dreaming about Paris every night (must be the books I am reading!) and my painting is going very well. Not only am I painting at work, but also painting at home. I am completing a few realist paintings (kombis etc) but I am about to embark on a new phase of landscapes and impressionist style work, keeping the super-real stuff for my boats. I am intending on entering the Brisbane Artists Academe scholarship show. I just have to get in and get stuff in shows...

My son is going very well with his cello, so I am sure when the time comes for me to head to Paris for my residency, he will be able to accompany me and attend some classes etc.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I finally have a zazzle shop!

Check out my new Zazzle shop for all your Christmas present buying!
At left is a mouse-mat you can buy for your computer with my charcoal drawing Two Hands/One Heart printed on it.
There are so many other items available too - from t-shirts to cards, to key-rings and even hats!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

yes, I am still here...

what a ride it has been! the last 2 months have been so busy but I have to admit, I have been remiss in not updating here. The new job is going very well and we are just about set to embark on our huge project - supplying the art work for numerous new resorts! It is so exciting! - it has affected my ability to focus on my own painting at home though but I just have to remain focussed on the prize - to spend a month in Paris in 2011, painting and writing and brushing up on my French! I am still selling my little realist paintings down at Treasured Interiors at Currumbin Beach on the esplanade - and Marnie is such a great ambassador for my work:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

so much has happened...

Life certainly takes us in all sorts of interesting places, and it is with great excitement that I tell you about my new work with a great firm here on the Gold Coast. Well, I can't say too much, but I am very excited to be working for an Interior Design firm, creating artwork for their projects. I will still be doing my own work, but I am viewing this as an apprenticeship of sorts, so in a way I am being paid to learn. Jobs like this come around once in a blue moon, and I have to that the wonderful Colleen Sutton at Cutter's Art Supplies on Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin, for putting my name forward to my new bosses!

thanks Colleen!!

I have been doing a little bit of work. Terrible photo but it shows the gist of what I am doing here. Was thinking of entering the John Flynn Show with this one. I have to enter by Wednesday so better get moving on that!
Below is a widget for the Gold Coast group I am co-hosting on Redbubble. Check it out! You can buy prints, cards and t-shirts designed by amazing GC artists and photographers.

So there you have it! You are up to date. well, kinda...have a great week:)

Monday, June 22, 2009

I have created a number of calendars over at (see the link above) They cost $26.40 plus postage from Redbubble, but orders of 4 or more calendars (same or different style, even different artists) attract free postage I believe!

Exciting news this week. I sold a t-shirt on Redbubble. My first sale! See the image at the top!! woohoo!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh my goodness this is a shocking photo of me but what the heck!! I did this painting as a bit of a test for me to see if I could just replicate someone's brief. I am happy with the result.
I have been researching the Cite des Arts site and feel I have a decent shot at applying even if it is direct and not with a grant from the Australian Government. I have found out to apply for a grant you need to have graduated from a fine arts degree (I have not) and I am not controversial enough I don't think!!

Breaking News - I have been given the opportunity to do a trial run for a Studio here on the Gold Coast that will 'apprentice' me if they are happy with the trial. It reminds me of times past when art stundents and wannabe artists would join the 'atelier' of an established artist and produce artwork 'In the School of'. Now many of these artists obviously passed into obscurity, but every well known artist during the renaissance and many of those that came after, right up to the Impressionists and probably beyond, came from an atelier. I have been looking for ways to learn more about art, but did not want to go to 'art school' yet, as like a lot of other painting mums, I feel I can't really give it my full focus until the Boy is a bit older. Anyway, wish me luck with the trial...I have been painting today and doing quite a good 'abstract landscape' I usually want to 'see' something figurative in the image.

My painting today has been to the stirring and uplifting strains of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata...exqusite music!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My paintings hanging in Treasured Interiors at Currumbin

I am so excited by the lovely display of my artwork
at Treasured Interiors at Currumbin on the

They are right above the desk and unmissable.
It is so great to have my work out there for people
to see and buy!

The ladies at Treasured Interiors have the most
wonderful taste (and not just because they have my
paintings hanging in there...). They have incredible
homewares and furniture but can renovate your whole house or apartment for you! Amazing I know.

I went to the Coolangatta markets on the beach front today to do a bit of 'recon' and I think it would be a goer to take some of the small paintings, cards, t-shirts, and the laminated prints would be great.

I have been working on a large oil and it is coming together beautifully. It is important to approach these things's only a painting after all!!

Fingers Crossed that the other shop will have had the other 6 paintings hanging all weekend and they've all sold!
Have a great creative week, everyone!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

welcome to my new 'followers'

hey hey, how exciting. four people want to know about my art!! Thanks so much for your interest!
So, today I wandered in and met the amazing Pelita at a wonderful little place in Mermaid. Now the chop next door is The Mermaid Beach store of Sea-life, an amazing place (also at Palm Beach) that has sea-inspired home and gift wares and hopefully my paintings hanging there by the end of tomorrow! wish me luck!!
I am being choosy about where I put them as I think they will work in certain shops and I want 'work' with like minded people who won't rip me off. I am folowing my instincts every step of the way with this.
But having said that, I was having a minor panic today as the car service etc has cost me over $1000 in the past week. These things have to be done and the car has had no work other than services in the 2 and 1/2 years I've had it, so I can't complain too much, can i? But I have to get moving on this and will begin markets sooner rather than later. although I might be putting the cart before the horse on this one, as my goal was to commence in September. I don't like the markets on the coast and the early start times just don't agree with my delicate constitution and my love of all things doonah!! anyway, will pop down and see the market at Cooly on Sunday and see if it is for me???
Happy Art-ing Everyone!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

One of my latest paintings. It is 30cm x 20cm and acrylic on canvas. It along with many others are available at Treasured Interiors at Currumbin Beach. The phone number is 5536 5233 and they are located on the esplanade at Currumbin, right next door to the Deck Cafe which has lovely coffee, awesome vegetarian turkish bread and a great view of the beach. Just pop in and see the lovely girls there and they will help you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

well people, I sold a painting today...very happy! Thanks to the gorgeous Deb down at Treasured Interiors at Currumbin. Deb is an amazing woman who doesn't take no for an answer and is blazing a successful trail even when others are closing their doors and crying in their beer. She is a role model for me.

I have also uploaded some great new works onto Redbubble so check them out:)

Monday, June 1, 2009

wow, today was a mammoth painting day and i'm happy with the output

my Pandore collection is coming along quite nicely. The canvases can be mixed and matched to each person's taste. I am rapt with the collection so far:)

Friday, May 29, 2009

great new art gallery on the GC opening this Friday night
see them on Facebook too.
I found this great website that helps you create a business plan

business plan

yesterday afternoon I started (and got a good way through) my business plan. I read on Tracey Keller's (google her, what a great artist and inspiration!) website that she prepares them for artists and most don't action them. So mike helped me write mine up and will help me action it too, because he wants me to succeed almost as much as I want to succeed. I have done 3 month, 6 month and 12 month and while I need to work on the 12 month one and a little on the 6 month, the 3 month is underway, even though I have started it from June, so I am getting a head start. I have also broken the week up into manageable pieces, with 2 solid painting days - Monday to get the week off to a flying start and Thursday, from 8-30 to 2-30. and factoring in a class once a week at least. I am going to try a new lady teacher this week on wednesday, to see how she is. I am going to work on the large oil paintings in class. I am in a 7 year, but I have to remember that I did start all this stuff back in 2001 and even before that...I just have really hit it since moving here in 2007. Number 6 houses are great for creativity.

Quote for the day -

You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

-- Rabindranath Tagore

Monday, May 25, 2009

don't want to go the way of Vincent

just watched a dvd on Vincent Van Gogh...and oh boy, the idea of trying to get a group of artists happening and getting my own career happening scares is what I want most in the world is to be a successful artist, and I have to put aside this fear. I think what held Vincent back most of all was his mental illness, not his ability as an artist. Also, I am the most boring house wife, I'd never be tempted to cut part of my ear off and send it to a prostitute...mmmm....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

art is life

okay, so here is my blog. I am not so sure about what to write, but the intention is to diarise my journey from being a basically self taught artist through to the hopefully eventual result of success. This is probably coming across as quite niave, after all I am a woman of a certain age and have a family...but therein lies what might interest others. I am not a fashionable young artist, I have not attended art school and as I have just said, I am a mum and housewife. I am attempting to not only develop my own art, but to also develop a group of women painters to exhibit together and support one another. I will also be attending the Southbank Lifestyle markets soon, with a combination of original artworks, prints and art products like mugs and t-shirts.

below is a sales widget from my redbubble site:)